When, in your eyes, is cheating a moral good (warning: "to save someone's life" is not a legit answer--get more specific and thoughtful)?
Why don't most people your age consider cheating and piracy the same thing?
What would make you care about piracy?
Who could possibly be hurt by your online theft?
What was piracy in the 1700s and how might that technically be different from what you are doing online?
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ReplyDeleteI have never supported cheating, but when other people reap the rewards of it, if I have done hard work to achieve the same reward, then I tend to care especially about cheating. Also, when the effects of other people's cheating harm myself, I tend to care. I would say that depending on the circumstance, cheating may be necessary to save someone's life and in that case it would be permissible, but otherwise it isn't. However, I think that most people my age don't see piracy as cheating because we don't see the direct effects of it. If you steal or murder someone, or even do something as simple as lie, the effect is immediate and tangible. Piracy is different because you don't know exactly how much profit you are stealing from the filmmaker or artist, you just know that you're getting the movie, tv show, or song you want for free. I actually stopped downloading music online last year when I thought about my favorite artists not being paid for their work. I don't mind paying for my favorite songs or waiting to hear them on an app like Spotify because it's a means of showing respect to the artists that I love and the hard work they put into producing that song or album. I also personally like owning the music for myself and knowing that by buying that song or album, I've given my support to that artist in some small, but real way. The piracy being committed today is less violent and overt than the piracy that occurred in the 1700s. The process of stealing is less direct, and it's harder to pin a specific name or group to the crime. Also, it happens on a much broader scale today due to the internet and digital media.
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ReplyDeleteI only care about cheating when someone is gaining an unfair advantage and gets away with it when I've worked hard to get a good grade, etc. I don't believe that cheating is ever right because doing evil in order to bring good does not bring good. People who think cheating is ok would probably use Machiavelli's "the ends justify the means" in order to back up their actions. Some people consider piracy and cheating as two separate things because teenagers do not realize that piracy is a form of cheating the copyright system. I have watched a pirated movie before, simply because I was too lazy to buy the DVD from the store, plus it was convenient. But, if I were an artist/director, I would definitely care about piracy since I wouldn't gain profit from viewers/listeners. Instead, the money would go to the piraters. Piracy in the 1700's involved pirates stealing goods, and from there they would sell those goods tax-free to customers. Piracy in the 1700's brought an economic advantage for the pirates, just like modern piracy brings an economic advantages for viewers of movies/music since they can view the entertainment for free. Piracy in the 1700's was more obvious/upfront than modern piracy. While teenagers are clicking away on their computer screens on Putlocker, they do not realize that they are stealing the artist/director's income.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to caring about cheating, I only care if someone cheats on someone else when that other person worked hard to achieve what they earned from it. I don't think it's ever morally good to cheat. Yes, everyone does it, but that doesn't mean it is good. I think most people my age try to convince themselves that cheating and piracy are two different things because one sounds worst than the other, but really they are very similar. If you steal someone's ideas/music, you are saying that those pieces of work are yours and you are gaining all the credit for something that someone else did. We only care about piracy when it affects us as if there are no more free movies to watch. In the 1700s, pirates stole goods off of people and sold them on the market. Piracy has changed a bit since the 1700s, but it is still considered cheating because either way you are getting the reward that another person was getting for that good/idea.
ReplyDeleteI would care about cheating if it happened against me. If someone cheated to achieve something I worked hard to earn, that would bother me. I see cheating justifiable only to defend people's basic human rights. If someone is violated past emotional offense, then if cheating is required to defend them, I find it plausible. I think that the outrageously high price of a movie theater trip has pushed people to see illegally downloaded movies as acceptable. Why pay for something if you can get it for free? I would care about piracy more if I did it then got caught, or if I was involved with making a film and it cut from my commissions. Piracy was first used to describe the acts of pirates in the 1700's who stole goods and treasure and re sold them tax free. They cheated the government from money to line their pockets and helped citizens buy products for a less expensive price. Online, we steal movies because the movie industry has a monopoly with high prices that we can easily avoid paying.
ReplyDeleteI think cheating is not right and it is something people should not do. If someone is to cheat on a test or cheat in a game I do not like it because I think about how hard I worked to get a good grade or to do well on the field but that other person is cheating and doing as good or better than me. I think people don't want to go out and pay to see a movie so they see them illegally online. Piracy is also wrong because it is stealing somebody elses work.
ReplyDeleteCheating only bothers me when the person who cheated gets the upper hand over me. Cheating may benefit the person temporarily but in the end, it does more harm than good and unhappiness only follows. Dishonesty always comes with a price. I think cheating would only be justified it were for the better of mankind or because God told me it was the right thing, which is a fine line to walk because then I would have to be able to decipher when it is actually God's Word or my own subconscious. Piracy and cheating aren't seen as the same thing because somewhere cheating has still been held to a higher standard but piracy has become the norm since movies, music, and games have become outrageously expensive. I would care about piracy if the possibility of me getting caught was high. The artists are hurt by piracy and so it would hurt my family as well, especially if I were punished for something such as "piracy." Piracy and cheating is simply not worth it. Piracy in the 1700s, had a different definition back then than it does now: pirates stealing goods and reselling them. Now, piracy is a movement but still the same concept remains. We are still cheating the sellers and selling ourselves short when we sink to piracy and cheating. "All good things come to those who wait."
ReplyDeleteCheating is something that is widely excepted in our society, people don't think it harms others and themselves. I don't think cheating in school to receive a higher grade is reasonable. Nor do I thin its acceptable to cheat the law hen it cause direct harmful effects towards others. Cheating the law in the sense of speeding is something most people do. Other than cheating the law that way there are no other examples of me cheating to rise above anyone or to get away with anything. Cheating can sometimes be seen directly and that allows that person to see in that moment the effects. While pirating is something that is not direct and doesn't show as many problems. They both have consequences that are not acceptable, so we should not do either of them.If the piracy was done and it acted like a domino effect and ultimately limited the movies I could watch that would have the greatest effect on me. Piracy mainly hurts those who came up with the product. Piracy from the 1700's is a different piracy that was not through a internet based program, this was more visable action but was also more accepted because it benefitted those that liked it.
ReplyDeletePiracy are both accepted and a lot people don't think of either of them as something really bad. The reason for this has to do with how society feels about them. Also its not really seen as a crime. Only to law enforcement is it a real crime. People will openly talk about pirating games, movies, songs, and whatever they can get their hands on. I know people who go to red box and make copies of the games and movies than turn around and sell them. Cheating is something more frown on because those people normally get in trouble when it happens.
ReplyDeleteI care about cheating. I think people cheat because they think they can get away with it all of the time - usually people aren't caught. And if nobody knows, they think it can't hurt them. The people who cheat do so because they know they are in a safe environment to cheat - no one pays attention. Cheating is a minor form of piracy. Piracy is major theft - people make a lot of money off of it. Dot Com built an enormous house using money he basically stole. Sites exist that make it easy to download music and movies. Because it's easy, people do it. You can download something right now - it's instant and accessible on your computer, phone, or tablet. Cheating is a way of stealing ideas, and it is just as bad as piracy. (A. Planter)
ReplyDeleteCheating is never right, but to be honest the only time I care about cheating is when it hurts me I know this sound selfish, but this is the truth for most of us. I could understand how cheating can hurt people. If you put so much hard work into the product and someone didn't pay to have it. I would be outraged. I think piracy today is so common because people feel a sense of security on the Internet even though in reality there is no security on the internet. In my lifetime I've never really pirated anything. Just because I never knew how or I didn't what to have to go out of my way to do it so there's no point, but if I made that music or if I made that movie and I knew some was selling it. I would take legal action's. The difference from pirating in the 1700s and pirating now is that now I think there's more discretion when going to sell the illegal products.
ReplyDeleteNo matter what it is cheating is wrong. No matter if it's a test, homework, a relationship, or even an athletic event. People aren't supposed to cheat. Cheating puts a cloud over whatever it is that is trying to be accomplished, It is a short cut around whatever the goal is. People my age really turn a blind eye to things such as piracy because we don't want to have to pay for music and movies, although Netflix has helped out with the movie stuff. Still its much easier to go on soundcloud and find the song for free than it is to pay $1.39 for the song on Itunes. In the 1700’s piracy was actually pirates stealing goods at a much greater cost, today we steal our music sitting behind our computer screens which makes it much easier.
ReplyDeleteIf cheating hurt other people(which is 99% of the time does) then it tends to make people care. Cheating is never moral okay. I think in some situations if it was life or death, God would give another way out. People consider cheating and piracy the same thing because you are cheating people out of their money when you steal from them. It would make me care if I knew the person was directing being effected or getting hurt from the one song I download. The artist or maker of the movie could be hurt. Piracy is different from the 1700s because they were directly stealing from families that were suffering. Today most of the artist we steal from have millions maybe even billions but they are both still stealing and cheating people out of their money.
ReplyDeleteI would care about cheating if it were directly harming someone. There are some ways of cheating that I am totally fine with because it hurts no one. An example of this would be the parking rule. Sometimes it is morally necessary to cheat. An example of this might be during war time, if you or someone from your side gets captured. You're probably going to have to lie or cheat to get out alive.
ReplyDeletePeople my age don't consider cheating and piracy the same thing because we don't see any real consequence. It feels like it's just an inconvenience to pay for something when we can download it for free. It doesn't feel like a crime.
Learning that the artists are hurt by piracy brings some reality to the wrongness of it. Especially music artists, it is important that they profit off their music.
Piracy in the 1700s was stealing from the rich and merchants. This is technically be different from online because there is no physical violence and brutality on the high seas.
I would care about cheating if it were directly harming someone. There are some ways of cheating that I am totally fine with because it hurts no one. An example of this would be the parking rule. Sometimes it is morally necessary to cheat. An example of this might be during war time, if you or someone from your side gets captured. You're probably going to have to lie or cheat to get out alive.
ReplyDeletePeople my age don't consider cheating and piracy the same thing because we don't see any real consequence. It feels like it's just an inconvenience to pay for something when we can download it for free. It doesn't feel like a crime.
Learning that the artists are hurt by piracy brings some reality to the wrongness of it. Especially music artists, it is important that they profit off their music.
Piracy in the 1700s was stealing from the rich and merchants. This is technically be different from online because there is no physical violence and brutality on the high seas.
I would care about cheating if I was wronged in the process. It is never morally good to cheat because it is still cheating which is breaking all 10 of the commandments. People my age don't consider cheating and piracy the same thing because we think that piracy is okay due to the fact that the people we are stealing from are so wealthy already. Once again, I'd care about piracy if it hurt or wronged me. The upcoming artists could be hurt by online piracy because they aren't wealthy enough to be able to bounce back from that. Piracy in the 1700s was robbing and possibly killing others while stealing their money. Online piracy today is different because we aren't killing anyone.
ReplyDeleteI would care about cheating if it affected another person directly, whether that person may be myself, or someone else. I believe for cheating to be morally correct, two things must be established within oneself. First, you must understand that you are taking a shortcut, or breaking the rules in some way. The person must decide if this will benefit them or the others around them, and if it does, are the benefits short-term or long-term. If you can find this within yourself to cheat after thinking these over, cheating might be morally correct. Cheating should only occur if it is to break an unfair rule or if it benefits everybody and not just yourself. I think people associate the word "cheating" with lying, while they associate "piracy" with stealing. While they both are immoral, we see them more as black and white, and not together in a gray area. To add, we also see cheating as having consequences, while piracy is a crime that is not enforced. One might think that the artist, who is rich, won't get hurt by a small amount of money for a song missing, but when a large number of people begin doing it, the price adds up. Piracy in the 1700's resulted in the deaths of countless lives, however, online piracy really only financially kills the artist.
ReplyDeleteRules are made so that people can compete on an even playing field. Rules allow people to be tested by skill and preparedness alone. When people cheat and break the rules it gives them an unfair advantage over those who don't cheat. A modern definition of Piracy is illegally downloading content without paying for it. This is similar to cheating in that Piracy is a form of cheating. This is because the law says we cannot download something without paying for it but many people ignore this rule and do it anyways. This is wrong because musicians and actors live off the money they make for their music or movies and when it is downloaded illegally they don't get paid for it.
ReplyDeleteI'm a cheater, and I'm a pirate. Sometimes I don't think before I give myself the upper advantage. While we were talking about this in class , all I was thinking about was watching a Recently Added movie to an illegal site. I really didn't think that I was harming anyone, on a larger scale I am like 50,000 other people. I think cheating will come to bite me, when I can't watch free movies anymore. Although I know that it's harming minor league directors and musicians and so on, I can't say I still would not do it. Maybe I'm selfish I can't say I still would not do it. Maybe I'm selfish.