Jiro Dreams of Sushi features
the man considered the greatest sushi chef in the world, Jiro Ono. A meal at
his restaurant is, minute-for-minute, one of the most expensive meals in the
world beginning at ¥30,000. Jiro's philosophy is simple; love your work,
do the same thing in that work every day, and seek to perfect that routine. His
sushi is just as simple; simple recipes, paired in a certain order with certain
timing, with no options or extras on the menu. Jiro's philosophy seems to work.
Others, including his former employees and own sons, emulate his work ethic. He
seems tireless even in his late 80s and doesn't seem to be slowing down,
seeking to reach what he considers perfection in his craft. His work ethic was
formed at a young age when his less-than-stellar father put him out on his own
at age nine. Jiro has been working ever since, and has settled into a pursuit
of perfection in and through that work.
Questions for discussion
Why don't we view our work in the same way?
What will it take for you to LOVE your work?
If you could do anything (that you both think
you'd love doing and that the world needs) what would it be?
From a Christian perspective, why is work Godly and
How can/should working in a bank, or selling real estate, or
giving history tours, or engineering, honor God?
Verses to use in the discussion
Colossians 3:23; Proverbs 13:4; 2Thessalonians 3:10-12;
1Thessalonians 4:11-12; Proverbs 12:24
We don't view work in the same way due to the capitalist society that we live in. Some of us work for the money, while others work for the enriching experience. In order to love my work, it'd have to be for something that is my passion. If I could do anything, I'd be a veterinarian because I'd feel that I'm passionate caring for sick animals. Work is godly since we view our work as working for Him, according to Colossians 3:23. We must be diligent in our work in order to be truly satisfied (Proverbs 13:4). Working in a bank honors God if we are honest and hard-working in our work while showing love to others.
ReplyDeleteOur work ethic differs from Jiro's because of how we have been raised. For me to love my work the way Jiro loves sushi, I would have to find a lifestyle that excites me and ensures a kind of happiness. If I could live in the perfect work environment, I would own a blog that centers around health, nutrition, beauty, and overall wellness. I would volunteer wherever I was needed in the medical field and I would travel to third world countries to teach kids english. Working should be done with all one's heart and when all effort is exhausted, prosperity will abundant. If we do our work in God's name for Him, we will be honoring him and we will be rewarded.
ReplyDeleteWe don't view work the same way because I know at least for me, it is primarily there to get money to fund what actually makes me happy while the work isnt what fulfills me. To love my work, I need a nice salary and wouldn't object to some power. Maybe a CEO or something along those lines, to make it something the world needs I would frequently plan charity balls.
ReplyDeleteWork is for God because it is glorifying to him to use the talents he gave us to help others. By doing pretty much any job you support other people and help them.
In contemporary American culture, work is viewed as a chore to earn money. Few people decide on a trade because they love it or seek to excell in it. For me, in order to love what I do, I need to fun challenge. I want to be an interior designer because each project, house and customer is different. I get to work inside and outside, and alongside people, but also have my own personal moments of quiet. I hope to one day renovate or design orphanages or non-profit relief/refugee centers. Work is God-honoring because it's a testament to the Gospel and the nature of serving others. As an aspiring interior designer, real estate can certainly honor God. By helping families to find a future home at an honest price and in the best location, helps them to better establish their family unit. As an agent one can form relationships with those families and share the Gospel with them.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I don't think anyone truly loves their work 24/7. As humans we just don't like to work. Jiro does the work he does because it goes along with his traditions and morals. He wants to be the best and he knows he might hate it sometimes but in the end it will be worth it. Work is obviously god-honoring because you are serving the world and spreading the word. But it can also be godly because you grow when you work and you experience things you wouldn't always get to and its all because of the opportunities god has given you.
ReplyDeleteWe don't view work in the same way as Jiao because we see it as a means to an end, rather than a way and fulfillment of life. For me to LOVE my work, I would have to have a lot of freedom in what I dido, so it wouldn't feel like a daily trudge and I wouldn't dread it. If I could do anything I think I would be a travelling artist and poet, writing and painting about both the beautiful things in life and the harsh realities. From a Christian perspective work is godly because it means that we are using our lives for something other than sloth. It also is a way to praise God through work ethic, dedicating each work to him (colossians 3:23).
ReplyDeleteWe don't view work the same way as Jiao because that is a completely different culture and because we don't look at work as a life fulfillment we just look at it as a way to make money. If I were to love my job I would have to be travelling and making a lot of money and I would want freedom and I would like to be my own boss but that is a small chance. I would be a performer or a singer or something because getting on stage and making other people happy and sending your message to others is a special opportunity.
ReplyDeleteWork is the pathway to money and comfort in America. When materialistic benchmarks are our goals, the pursuit for money is all consuming. The American Dream is to find a job THAT YOU LOVE and PAYS GENEROUSLY. But life wakes most of us up to the reality that those two factors rarely go hand in hand.
ReplyDeleteFor me to love my work, I would have to be well compensated, be good at what I do, and have a good relationship with my boss and fellow employees.
If I could do anything, I would want to become fluent in Spanish and go teach English in Mexico and Central America.
God made us to be productive people. He wants us to use our abilities to help support ourselves and families.
Bankers honor God by helping keep the government and society in order. Without a monetary system in order, our country would fall apart. Real estate agents help people find a place to live that will provide shelter to raise a family as well as years of memories. Historians have the important task of portraying the past truthfully and accurately. It is important to know history correctly so we don't repeat those mistakes. Engineers help keep things running well. A lot of people don't have the knowledge to fix everyday appliances and machines. Engineers help us through God by being putting to use their knowledge for our benefit.
We see work very differently than Jiro. Jiro's work is his passion. Our work is not. This will effect your work effect. When I worked ar Cracker Barrel I worked to make sure it was done so i could get payed and finish before its 2 o clock in the morning. Can honestly say I did not go above and beyond. This is how most people see there job in the US. Its more of an annoying neccisary that we have to deal with. Jiro lives to work we do not wish to do that. Since we do not have that mind set we will not have the same result
ReplyDeleteWe don’t often view our work the same way Jiro does because he has such an amazing passion for his work and he has been that way his whole life. For me to love my work I think that I will need to find a job that just makes me happy and gives me something to take pride in, but i'm not sure i will find something and view it the same way Jiro views sushi. I've picked my major for college as physical therapy and I hope that I will one day have a strong passion for it, I like helping people and hopefully i'll be able to help a lot people out. God put us on earth to do something and to change something. People can only make a change through working hard. So by doing our work we are honoring God.
We don't love our work like Jiro does his due to our culture and the world we live in today. I feel as though I might love my job but there maybe days that just make me question it sometimes because we are human and live in a sin filled world. I plan on going to college and getting a degree in early childhood in order to pursue my dream of being a teacher. I feel as though that job will be God honoring because I will be influencing young lives and being able to point them to Him.
ReplyDeleteWe sometimes don't view our work the same way because we don't enjoy it as much as he enjoys making sushi. When we like something I think we work harder at it. To love your work and work hard you have to work at something you enjoy doing. From a Biblical perspective we are suppose to work hard at all we do and give it our best and appreciate the ability God gave us to do it. If we do our work with effort, love, and care we can show a Godly life through that.
ReplyDeleteI don't think we view our work in the same way because of the way we are raised. Jiro had to raise himself and so he had to work to survive. His way of working helped him survive, it pushed him forward to love what he does, because of where it got him in life. That's the main reason we don't view work the same as Jiro, we don't learn at a young age to do it to survive. We work for our own needs and wants.
ReplyDeleteIf I could do any kind of work, I would like to travel to different countries and teach young children about basketball as part of a humanitarian outreach. I'd like to help provide food and clothes for the less fortunate kids and go to orphanages and talk to them, educate them - to help create hope for when they grow up. I'd like to help them grow up to have families of their own and break the cycle of children in orphanages.
Jiro views work as his life, while most americans view it as just a money maker to live the life they want.in other words Jiro lives for work while most poeple live to work. Jiro's passion for work is something we should a try to pursue, not only do we need a job to live but find a job that we love to do that keeps us alive. love your job for it never to feel like a job.
ReplyDeleteWe tend to view our work as a chore instead of a privilege. We should be happy and willing to work because we are able to do things in order to help serve others and glorify God in the process. For me to love my work, I would have to be able to get up every day and look forward to it. I would have to be motivated by the enjoyment of doing it. If I could do anything, I would go around the US and the world and teach kids how to play sports and games to occupy time. Working is God-honoring because we are using the bodies that God gave us in order to serve others. Working in a bank, as a real estate agent, giving history tours, or engineering can all honor God because they are serving others.
ReplyDeleteWork is a way to honor God because we should be utilizing His gifts in what we do and serving others. It should not just be a joy to us but also a joy to our customers. A job that would be joyful to me would be doing something outdoors that would help the whole community. God had 6 days of work in Genesis 1 creating the world and on the 7th day he rested. We should not only work hard but we should also have a time of rest. Those jobs should honor God in that we are serving others and fulfilling their needs.
ReplyDeleteOur work ethic differs from Jiro's because we are raised with the mindset that we need to get a job that requires the least amount of effort for the most amount of money. Jiro on the other hand believes that he must always try for perfection. He does not care about the money. The only reason his sushi is so expensive is because he uses only the best ingredients and that costs a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteWe are raised and taught differently about work ethics because of our culture and time periods. I was raised to work for others and not for yourself. Jiro was raised to make everything perfect. In order for me to love my job, I have to have fun doing my job. I have to greet others and I think that is fun because it makes their day not only mine. I think working Godly means that you work for others' benefits not just your own. That's the way i view work as well. God tells us that we should work selflessly.
ReplyDeleteI was brought up differently. We learn to get it how we live. It's not necessarily going to be perfect, but you have to get the job done to get paid. Not all the jobs are going to be pretty, nice, or organized. In order for me to keep a job I don't necessarily have to like it they just have to be paying me and not disrespecting me. I like people, I am a peoples person no matter what race what size and sometimes not even how you spel me to keep a job I don't necessarily have to like it they just have to be paying me and not disrespecting me. I like people, I am a peoples person no matter what race what size and sometimes not even how you smell.
ReplyDeleteI believe that you should work hard in order to be able to do what you love, money is not the deciding factor. I want to be a Veterans' Disability Lawyer, which serves those in need of help rather than my greed monster. People care more about money than those around them or how getting the money affects themselves. Jiro did what he loved, and, therefore, made money from it. He gave his customers the best of everything which made them come back and also tell their friends. Everyone should do what they love and serve others rather than serve their greed monster.