Answer all of the following questions:
Do you think your life is worth
If you could choose your narrator, whom would you choose?
So far, is your life Tragic or Comic, and why?
What mundane things that we take for granted might you need to rethink, or consider more significant?
Toward the end, Harold remarks to a literature professor, "You are asking me to knowingly face my own death." If you were given a glimpse into your death or its timing, could you face it like Harold resolves to? Would you let it play out? Or would you fight it and run (or even sit in your apartment/house/bomb shelter and avoid any possibility of encountering anything dangerous)?
If you could choose your narrator, whom would you choose?
So far, is your life Tragic or Comic, and why?
What mundane things that we take for granted might you need to rethink, or consider more significant?
Toward the end, Harold remarks to a literature professor, "You are asking me to knowingly face my own death." If you were given a glimpse into your death or its timing, could you face it like Harold resolves to? Would you let it play out? Or would you fight it and run (or even sit in your apartment/house/bomb shelter and avoid any possibility of encountering anything dangerous)?
Why does the God of the Bible ask us to also knowingly face our
As of right now, I do not think my life is worth narrating. I do not travel over the world on amazing adventures, or face an impending death, or battle against opposition with bravery and power. However, if I could have anyone narrate my life, it would be Jane Austen, John Keats, or Paul Kalanithi. Austen's witty writing is lofty and elegant. Keats' poetic phrases can make even the simplest moments a work of art. Kalanithi's diction can explain the most profound concepts and ideas in intellectual simplicity. Due to Kalanithi's book "When Breath Becomes Air", I have begun to appreciate more of the "mundane" things in my life. For instance, I now enjoy the walk from the battery to school as I look at the architecture and gardens of the beautiful homes downtown. I make more time to run and enjoy the great weather we have. I am trying to read more of the books in my house and explore other majors.
ReplyDeleteIf I knew the exact manner, time, and place in which I was going to die, I feel that I would end up facing it. Often times it is the struggle to avoid a certain fate that brings a character face to face with it. Also, I do not need to fear my death no matter what it is. Any death on this earth is better than an eternity spent in hopeless separation from God. This does not mean I will succeed in facing my death fearlessly, but at least I know joy can still be found when the time comes.
I do not think my life is worth narrating unless the reader wants to know about the life of a high school senior trying to figure life out. If I could have any narrator, I would not know where to begin. Maybe Morgan Freeman just for kicks and giggles. My life is a Tragedy so far, hopefully it'll get better. I began my life with a rough familial divorce, then my father's near-fatal heart attack, then a tough relationship, and so on through the years. One day, everything mundane will be missed. The walks from the battery, the tacks with Mrs. Gunther, making fun of Lambert, driving half asleep in the mornings, everything. Everything will have to change, and will we have to accept that or stop taking it all for granted. I would like to think that I'd take my death like Harold because it would happen one way or another, whether you liked it or not. Heaven is where you want to be so accept your ending however it may come.
ReplyDeleteI do not think my life is worth narrating nor would I want it to be narrated. I think my life would be more comic than tragic. I am blessed to have not been through too many tragic events and if I was making a list I would have more comic tallies than tragic. I sometimes take my family for granted because I think they will always be there. If I saw how I was going to die I think I would be scared. If I was dying helping someone I think I would have to go through with it but if I was just dying I think I would try and stop it. But, I would also want to be spending that time with my friends and family. We don't know when were going to die so I don't know how God knowingly asks us to face our deaths.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone's life is worth narrating. We learn something about ourselves when we hear it told from another's point of view. I don't think we are completely aware of what is happening in our lives or what we are doing but if someone was narrating it, we would. I would love/dislike it if someone narrated my life but I think it would be beneficial and pretty cool. I would choose my deceased grandfather as my narrator. I think he has a better viewpoint anyways from up there. I think my life is both. Its so ironic sometimes and other times, its sad. I think that if my ending would be to save another, I wouldn't have a problem a dying but for me to knowingly die, it would have to be for a good cause or reason. I would only run if I wouldn't be remembered for it. Also, hopefully I would be going to Heaven when I die, so why not proudly die and happily go up from there?
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I do not think that my life is worth narrating, simply because I do not think that I'm anybody special. I'm just a typical high school senior that finishing high school and trying to figure out where to go to college next year. If I were to have a narrator,
ReplyDeleteit could be God since He's the one that created me. So far, I think that my life is comic just because of the immense amount of chaos and drama. I definitely take where I live for granted. I complain that my house is in the middle of no where and there's nothing to do (shops, movie theaters, etc.). But, I should appreciate the peace and quiet that it brings. Amidst the chaos everyday, it is nice to come home to a tranquil atmosphere in the rural city of Johns Island. I guess that I haven't appreciated it that much since I am not able to enjoy it. If I were given a glimpse of my death, I would have the solace that I would be hopefully going to heaven after my death. Death isn't a scary thing for me. John 14:1-4 says: “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.” God asks us to knowingly face our deaths because Jesus faced His death when he became a sacrifice for us on the cross, so we will need to do the same when our time comes.
My life is not worth narrating, if I could have a narrator though I think Siri would do well. My life would be comedy with no plot twists or deep lows, just a few happier moments here and there with the rest being pretty content and calm. I always find after getting a cold that I took breathing and sleeping for granted, as well as having my dad pack my lunch on B days and carry my backpack to the car every morning.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't run because then I wouldn't be able to enjoy what time I had left. I would be sad at first because I love my life, but if I were to know I was dying, its only fair that I get some time to grieve my own death. After moving on, I could live what time I had left with the assurance of something even better waiting for me in heaven once I die.
Sometimes I find myself narrating hat I am doing at the moment in my head without even knowing it. I think everybody think their life is worth narrating, everybody wants to be heard. I think it's pretty safe to say that my life so far has been a tragedy but with still a good bit of comedy in it. The only qualified person who I would choose to narrate my life would be my mother, who knew me best. Losing her really made me realize the things I take for granted. Now I strive to take care of my body and not destroy it. I also try to respect others because you never know what last words you might say to them. I do not think I would be able to face my death. Maybe when the time comes i will, I men you have to. But as of right now I cannot comprehend that idea.
ReplyDeleteEveryone's life is worth narrating. No matter who you are or what you do with your life, you matter. God put everyone on earth for a reason and everybody's life is important. I think my life would probably be a comedy because of the things that I have been through and the things that have happened. There has been more good than bad and there are laughs and good times all throughout it. There would be a couple of downs for sure but it would mostly be up. I would choose my dad to narrate my life because he knows the most about me. I tell him almost everything. If I were to know I was going to die but I was saving someone else's life in the process I would be okay with it and would do it but if I was going to die for no reason than I would fight it. I would want to spend the little bit of time I had left doing things that I had dreamed of doing and doing it with my closest friends and family.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone's life is worth narrating. God wouldn't have created you if your life was pointless.
ReplyDeleteI would choose either God or Morgan Freeman to narrate my life. God wouldn't judge me as he was reading out my life's script and Morgan Freeman has a perfectly tranquil voice.
I believe as of right now my life is comic because a lot of my mistakes and hardships have either resolved or become ironic and panned out.
I think we take for granted the small encounters during our day. The man I let out in front of me in traffic, the woman who took my order at Starbucks, the little girl I passed walking to my car, all these people have their own separate lives and stories and I just entered and exited their lives in a brief moment. The important question is did I impact it positively, negatively, or not at all? If I were told how I was going to die, I definitely would not try to avoid it because, often times in doing so, ironically you run right into the fate you hoped to escape. This question reminds me of Oedipus and how when he learned his fate he ran from it and ultimately strait into accidentally killing his father then becoming the King and having to sleep with his mother. All he wanted to do was avoid this fate but by trying to run from it, he fulfilled it.
God tells us to face our death because it is up to Him how and when we die. If we try to alter it, we are ultimately resisting God's will.
I personally don't think my life is worth narrating some parts would be cool but most would be boring like "Matthew binged played videogames from 6pm to 6am only turning off the xbox and rushing to his room when he heard his mom getting ready for work." I would say my life has been a comedy so far. Not many tragic things have happen to me. I play large amounts of videogames that would bore a lot of people. For narrating my life I would like James Earl Jones. I mean your life is being narrated by Darth Vader that pretty awesome. I would not curl up in a ball in my house depending on how I died determines whether or not I walk willingly into it. If I have the chance to save somebody and but will die I will take death but if its just me getting T-boned by a drunk driver. Im staying home tonight.
ReplyDeleteI think it would really be cool if someone narrated my life because I have a very interesting life. I can't say I have a lot of tragedies happening all the time, but it would still be cool to have your life narrated. If I could choose someone to narrate my life it would definitely be Morgan Freeman just because he's like a God and he's already narrated a bunch of intellectual documentaries. I think God teaches to face death because we all know that it's going to happen sometime it just depends when and where and if you come to terms death. You will start to live a little bit more and not worrying about the consequences of your actions.
ReplyDeletenarrating certain parts of my life would interested but considering I spent a great deal of time in school, no my life is really not worth narrating yet. If I had to pick someone to narrate my life it would definitely be Matthew Mcconaughey because his voice is calm and relaxed and I don't really do much so I need some chilled out to narrate. My life so far could be both tragic and comic. I've spent twelve years at school and that alone is very tragic but it would be comic as well because I like to have a good time and i'm pretty laid back. Having a car, I take that for granted. I always complain and tell my parents my car isn't good enough yet so many people would love to have any vehicle to get them around. If I knew how I was going to die, i'm not sure how I would react. I would probably try to avoid that situation instead of facing it head on like harold did.
ReplyDeleteI do think my life is worth narrating. I have always said that I need my own tv show. My life is real, it's true. It's not Keeping up with the Kardashians or other "reality" tv shows. You can see a real struggle, not an imaginary "problem." Real life is more interesting. Reality tv is why certain people act the way they do today. They watch these shows on tv and want to live like that, they want to be like that. If you try to narrate something that isn't true it seems like plagiarism, you have stolen an idea and people don't realize it. This makes people think that reality tv is real. They don't show everything. You don't see people in real life walking in Charleston in 4 inch heels, but reality tv makes that seem normal.
ReplyDeleteMy life is worth narrating because it is both tragic and comic. I've been through some really tough things that I wish I had never been through, but there have been some funny moments in my life. People see me as a middle-class, black girl who goes to a private school and always has a smile on her face. They think that I live in a great neighborhood in Mt Pleasant or West Ashley but have no idea about my real background. They assume that where I am is where I came from.
I like to think that my life would be worth narrating and if I had to choose one narrator, I would choose Morgan Freeman. That is THE ONLY MAN for the job. I would pay him just to read me bedtime stories every night. I think that my life is a comedy due to the unusual and uncommon things that I do. Some of the time they go as planned and other times... Anyways, I think that I should take time more seriously. I am always trying to rush through life and saying things like "I can't wait to graduate high school" or "I can't wait until I get to college." I need to slow down and enjoy the time that I have now. I would try to face my own death with fearlessness. I would be scared and uncomfortable but I would try to keep reminding myself that their is a greater purpose that God has than what is here on Earth.
ReplyDeletei think all lives would be worth narrating becuase every person has a different unique story. the life of a high schooler may not bethe best selling story by any measure but would interesting to see how each persons life is altered. so yes I think my life is worth narrating and if you think it is not them maybe change how you do things to make it interesting and not conform to everyone else. if i could have anyone narrate my life i would chose kodak black. so he could illascrate my life. i would consider my life a comic becuase my life isnt a tragidy i am blessed to have what i have.
ReplyDeleteI personally do not think my life is worth narrating but in regards to sharing my testimony that is worth it. When sharing my testimony, even though I have not been through anything traumatic it will resonate with someone. I would consider my life a comic because there hasn't been anything to turn my life around such as a devastating event. I definitely take time for granted, I don't use it wisely and procrastinate a lot. I also feel as though I take advantage of my family sometimes or don't engage with them enough. If I was told any details about my death I would probably fun and try not to face it all for the fact of being fearful.
ReplyDeleteAt times I think my life is worth narrating only because of how ironic it is or even how funny it is. My life is definitely a mixture between a tragedy and a comedy because of the hard times and how easily I am fooled into thinking people are going to stay by my side. If I could choose the narrator of my life, it would have to be... Morgan Freeman. I mean come one, the man has a gift. Anyways, I know I cannot escape death no matter what. I will one day die and I do not want a glimpse into how I die because I'd probably spend the rest of my life trying to avoid it.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think that my life is worth narrating, because I'm being melodramatic. But other times I think about how boring it must be to listen to a narration of me watching Netflix and stuffing myself with chips all day. Morgan Freeman would obviously be the nArrator. So far my life is looking a like a tragedy. But it's starting to look like a comedy becAuse things are starting to go my with college plans.
ReplyDeleteI should take my downtime more seriously and do less insignificant activities.
Toward the end, Harold remarks to a literature professor, "You are asking me to knowingly face my own death." If I was given a glimpse into your death or its timing, I think I would try to change my fate. But I would probably then realize the inevitability of it and try to make my last days memorable.
The God of the Bible ask us to also knowingly face our death because it is a vital part of realizing who we are in reality. We aren't beings who live forever without consequence.
My life currently is not worthy of being narrated at all. If my life so far was a book I would feel bad for whoever had to read it. But if it had to be narrated I would obviously choose Morgan Freeman to do it. Because if you had a chance to have Morgan Freeman narrate your life you can't say no. It would be the most boring thing you have ever listened too but it would be great because Morgan Freeman is the narrator.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I think that my life isn't worth narrating but at other times I think that people should see the problems and difficulties that i go through so they know they aren't alone. I think My life is both a Tragic and a Comic because I have so many complications and so many rejections in my life that are, to be honest, amusing. I think we take a lot of things in life for granted because we think that we will just get what we want in the end...but takes hard work to succeed. I think that God asks us to end our life on purpose on "knowingly face our death" because he would want to see how selfish/selfless of a person you truly are and whether your life matters more than others.